Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Am I the only one out there who thinks her children's flatulence is the most adorable thing ever? Show of hands...Anyone?...

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hi there...

Hi friends. We have not met, but we can still be friends, right? My name is Katie and I am a married full time working mom to two littles, ages 3 and 11 months. Needless to say, my time is precious because I have so little of it most days. Most of the time, I am trying to desperately cross off that to-do list, literally clawing my way towards blank space where my kids and husband get the attention they deserve, a book can actually be read (or at least a chapter anyway), and the cup of Paris tea I made two hours ago isn’t left sitting on the counter all cold, lonely, and abandoned because little bit picked that moment to have poop shooting out of every nook and cranny of his diaper. I love to read. I love to talk about what I read. I love to watch movies based on the books I read and then talk about how they related or differed from the book I read…you see where I’m going here. I’m one of those people that likes to dissect my interests into minute detail for the sheer pleasure of discussing them. That includes cooking, home projects, anything Harry Potter, my day planner (we have a deep love affair going), pretty china, pots and pans (um, yeah, I actually enjoy discussing kitchen related tools), and a variety of other completely random things. Random about sums me up. So put the tea on and mozy on over here. Let’s talk…